Inobitec DICOM Viewer

1.7. Search Panel

The search panel is shown in Fig. 1.14.

To open or close the panel, click the PIC button on the toolbar.

A search query is executed in the text field (see "2" in Fig. 1.14). From the drop-down list ("1" in Fig. 1.14), select one of the following search parameters:

  • patient name (to search for a name that does not start with the entered characters, put an asterisk at the beginning: "*John");

  • patient ID (similar to search by name);

  • body part (Enter the name of a body part in the text field. Under the text field, you will see some options that may be used for searching by body parts);

  • accession number (similar to search by name);

  • description.

To search for studies by modality, press the button for the respective modality. The buttons for the selected modalities are highlighted. You can choose any modalities combination. To delete a selected modality, press the button again.

The search panel also provides for search by date of birth, search by the date of study performance or study import. Select one of the following options from the drop-down list (see "3" in Fig. 1.14):

  • by study date;

  • by import date;

  • by date of birth. In the search period drop-down list (see "4" in Fig. 1.14) only the Exact date option is available.

You can perform search by the exact date, by the time interval specified or by the period selected from the drop-down list. Choose a period from the drop-down list (see "4" in Fig. 1.14):

  • all time;

  • today;

  • yesterday;

  • last week;

  • last month;

  • last year;

  • exact date;

  • interval.

To search by date and interval enter the year: YYYY-**-**, year and month: YYYY-MM-**, or the full date. The date can also be selected using the calendar.

After filling in the required fields, click the SEARCH button or press the Enter key on the keyboard. If the SEARCH button is inactive, it means that the selected data source is not available. To clear the search criteria, click CLEAR.

The search for studies on the PACS server with no period specified (option All time) may take some time and increase the server load. Therefore, when you click the SEARCH button, the warning dialog Search for all time. It may take some time. Would you like to continue? will be displayed. To perform a search, click Yes, to cancel, click No.

If four or more characters are entered in the search field, the long search on the PACS server warning message is not displayed, regardless of the specified search date.

The PACS Server may not support the search by some of the selected options and criteria.

1.7.1 Saving the Search Parameters

To simplify study search by commonly used parameters, the DICOM Viewer provides for an opportunity to save study search parameters (presets).

To create a new preset with commonly used parameters, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the search panel and specify the search parameters (for details see Section 1.7).

  2. Click the arrow on the right-hand side of the SEARCH button and select Save preset.

  3. In the Preset creation dialog box (Fig. 1.15), enter the name of the new preset.

Click OK, to create new preset, or CANCEL to cancel.

All the current search panel parameters will be saved as the preset.

To delete a preset, click the arrow on the right-hand side of the SEARCH button. Choose the Remove preset option and select the preset to be deleted.

1.7.2 Searching for Studies by Preset Parameters

To search for studies by preset parameters, choose the preset you need in the SEARCH button menu. The search will be performed automatically after you have selected the preset.

The current preset parameters are displayed on the search panel. The preset parameters are specified with consideration for the storage selected. For example, if the search is performed in a storage different from the local storage, it will be impossible to search by the date of import. In this case, a warning will pop up (Fig. 1.16). The search panel does not display the current preset parameters and the search will not be performed.