Inobitec DICOM Viewer

12.6. Saving and Opening Annotation Results


Functionality is available in a separate module which is activated in the Pro edition for an extra fee

The DICOM Viewer provides for an opportunity to save the annotation results in a JSON file, as well as to open files with annotation results in order to resume work. When a file is opened, the data contained in it are added to the data that already exist.

12.6.1 Saving Annotation Results


Functionality is available in a separate module which is activated in the Pro edition for an extra fee

To save the image annotation results, click the Save results PIC button on the image annotation panel. In the dialog box that pops up, choose the directory where the file with the annotation results is to be saved and print the name of the file. Click Save to save the file or Cancel to cancel.

The results are saved in a JSON file containing the following information:

The saved file contains information on all the objects annotated for all the study series in the current tab (for all series from the series panel of the current tab). The file is saved without DICOM data.

12.6.2 Opening Annotation Results


Functionality is available in a separate module which is activated in the Pro edition for an extra fee

To open the image annotation results that were saved earlier, select the Open image annotation results... option on the File menu. In the dialog box that pops up, select a saved JSON file with annotation results.

The following conditions must be met in order to open the annotation results successfully:

If at least one of these conditions is not met, a dialog box notifying of the error will pop up and the annotation results will not be opened.

If the version of the tree of groups and classes in the JSON file is superior to the version of the tree opened in the program, a respective tree replacement notification will pop up when the user attempts to open the annotation results.

If some of the series specified in the JSON file are missing from the local storage, a respective notification will pop up when the user attempts to open the annotation results.