Service files are located in the following folders, depending on the operating system:
Windows | C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Inobitec\<program name> |
Linux | ˜/.local/share/Inobitec/<program name> |
macOS | ˜/Library/Application Support/Inobitec/<program name> |
The following files are service ones:
log files (are located in the subfolder Logs);
memory dumps, written if the program crashed (are located in the subfolder Dumps). Only for Windows;
configuration files (are located in the subfolder Configs);
CLUTs (are located in the subfolder Configs);
3D image renderer files (are located in the subfolder OpenCL).
E.g. Smith user‘s log files for Inobitec DICOM Viewer Pro version 1.9.1 installed in Windows are located in C:\Users\Smith\AppData\Local\Inobitec\Inobitec DICOM Viewer Professional Edition 1.9.1\Logs folder.
Path to log files can be changed (see Section 16.1).