Inobitec DICOM Viewer

18.1. Editor Window


Functionality is available in the Pro edition

The editor window is shown in Fig. 18.1. The windows and tools for editing text in the report editor and template editor are the same.

The DICOM Viewer provides the user an opportunity to change the borders of the editor window. For that purpose, mouse over a border so that the cursor takes the shape of PIC or PIC . Then move the border while holding the left mouse button. The new window size will be saved in the program and restored when you launch the editor again.

18.1.1 Toolbar


Functionality is available in the Pro edition

The toolbar is placed in the upper part of the editor window (Fig. 18.1).

In the upper left-hand corner of the toolbar, you can see a field where the user enters the name of the document.

The name must not contain:

  • such symbols as: :, >, <, ?, *, |, ";, \, /, +, %, !, @;

  • a space in the beginning of the name;

  • a space or a dot at the end of the name.

If this rule is ignored, an error message will pop up when you try to save the template or export a report in a PDF file.

In the upper part of the editor window you will see the following buttons:

18.1.2 Text Editing Tools


Functionality is available in the Pro edition

The editor toolbar contains tools for editing text. Text editing tools in the report and template editor have the same functions.