Chapter 2
View Flat Images

PIC 256 gray shades are used to show tissue density. As there are more than 256 density values, similar values are represented by the same colour. To be able to distinguish between similar values, you need to decrease the window width. In this case, a smaller range of values will be represented by 256 gray shades. If necessary, set the desired the window level value.
PIC In Image Viewer window, diagnosis can only be established on the basis of CT, MR, MG, and XA series.
 2.1 Open Series
 2.2 Open Series with Current Settings
 2.3 Context Menu of the Image Viewer Tab
 2.4 Working with Several Monitors and Split Screen
 2.5 Resampling filter
 2.6 Image Filters
  2.6.1 Preset Filters
  2.6.2 User Filters
  2.6.3 Actions with Filters
 2.7 View Images in a Series
 2.8 Switch between Series
 2.9 View Several Studies at a Time
 2.10 View Multiple Series
  2.10.1 Auto Mode
  2.10.2 Stacked Mode
  2.10.3 Grid Mode
  2.10.4 Custom Mode
 2.11 View Multiple Images in the Same Series Simultaneously
 2.12 Viewing Several Series as a Single Multiphase Series
 2.13 Viewing Orthogonal Projections of Images
 2.14 Play images
 2.15 Video recording
 2.16 Zoom. Pan. Rotate
  2.16.1 Zoom
  2.16.2 Pan
  2.16.3 Rotate
 2.17 Set Window Level and Width
  2.17.1 User Presets for Window Width and Level
  2.17.2 Actions with presets
  2.17.3 Additional Width and Level Settings
  2.17.4 Setting the Window Width and Level for Merged Series
 2.18 Magnifier
 2.19 Measurements
  2.19.1 Ruler
  2.19.2 Displaying angles between intersecting rulers
  2.19.3 Polygonal Ruler
  2.19.4 Angle
  2.19.5 Cobb angle meter
  2.19.6 Measure Intensity at a Point
  2.19.7 Measure the Intensity Average and Standard Deviation in an Area
  2.19.8 Measuring the Cardiothoracic Ratio (CTR)
  2.19.9 Drawing Parameters
  2.19.10 Move Measurements
  2.19.11 Move Measurement Results
  2.19.12 Delete Measurements
  2.19.13 Measuring Dimensions and Area during Ultrasound Imaging
  2.19.14 Measuring the Time Interval and the Blood Flow Velocity during Ultrasound Imaging
 2.20 Perfusion Parameters Estimation
  2.20.1 Open series in Perfusion Parameters Estimation mode
  2.20.2 Setting the Time Interval on the Perfusion Panel
  2.20.3 Brain Perfusion Parameters Estimation
  2.20.4 Map mode
  2.20.5 Advanced Settings for Bayesian Estimation Algorithm
  2.20.6 Deconvolution Advanced Settings
 2.21 Evaluation of Blood Flow Parameters
  2.21.1 Opening a Series in the Blood Flow Parameters Evaluation Mode
  2.21.2 Changing the Configuration Parameters for a PC MRI Series
  2.21.3 Building and Editing Vessels ROI
  2.21.4 Blood Flow Analysis Panel. Displaying the Results of General Blood Flow Analysis
  2.21.5 Evaluating the General Blood Flow Analysis Parameters
  2.21.6 Designing a Trajectory for the Pulse Wave
  2.21.7 Getting the Results of Advanced Blood Flow Analysis without Building a Pulse Wave Trajectory
  2.21.8 Blood Flow Analysis Panel. Displaying the Results of Advanced Blood Flow Analysis
  2.21.9 Evaluation of the Parameters for Advanced Blood Flow Analysis
  2.21.10 Blood Flow Parameters Evaluation for Two Slices
 2.22 Visualize Images
  2.22.1 Select CLUT
  2.22.2 Edit CLUTs List
  2.22.3 CLUT Parameters
  2.22.4 Create and Edit CLUT
  2.22.5 User CLUTs Import
 2.23 SUV Measurement
 2.24 Calcium Scoring
  2.24.1 Selection of measurement areas
  2.24.2 Actions with measurement areas
  2.24.3 Measurement results
 2.25 Scout Lines
  2.25.1 The Tool Menu
  2.25.2 Line Settings
 2.26 Set Up Viewer Workspace
 2.27 Export Images
  2.27.1 Export to DICOM
  2.27.2 Export to Image
 2.28 DSA Mode
  2.28.1 Single-image subtraction view
  2.28.2 Series subtraction view
  2.28.3 Viewing Several Series of the Same Study Fused in One Multiphase Series with Subtraction
 2.29 Image Information in the Series Window
  2.29.1 Orientation Cube
  2.29.2 Scale
  2.29.3 Image Information
  2.29.4 Patient Information
 2.30 View DICOM Tags
 2.31 Viewing Structured Reports
 2.32 Graphic Label Tool
  2.32.1 General
  2.32.2 Create Labels
  2.32.3 Actions with Labels
 2.33 Synchronize Images
 2.34 Synchronization by a Point
 2.35 Mirror Image Horizontally/Vertically
 2.36 Calibration sizes
 2.37 Apparent diffusion coefficient