2.28 Export Images

2.28.1 Export to DICOM

The export to DICOM allows you to export images to a series that is available while the current study is open. To export:

  1. Click on the arrow on the right side of the Quick export images PIC button on the toolbar and select the Export images... item or press Ctrl+E key (or the Command+E key for macOS).

  2. Select the Export to DICOM tab. The export window will look as shown in Fig. 2.85.


    Figure 2.85: DICOM export window

  3. Select the series to export. If no series has been exported yet, only the Create new series item will be available. If an export has been conducted before, you can export the data to the last created series by selecting the Use exists series option.

  4. If you need to load the exported images to the DICOM server immediately, check the option Upload image to the default server. If the default server is not set in the DICOM Viewer this option will be inactive.

  5. Select a set of images for export. Three options are available:

  6. Select the capture type. Three options are available:

  7. Set the image size if necessary.

  8. To initiate export, click OK. To cancel the export, click CANCEL.

To continue exporting images to the DICOM format with the current settings, click on the Quick export images PIC button or press F5.

This tool is also available from the Image main menu item.

The results of image export to a DICOM series are affected by the filter applied (see Section 2.6).

PIC An image to which a filter has been applied is not original, and the measurement results may be inaccurate.

2.28.2 Export to Image

The export to image allows you to export the current image to a .png or .jpg file. To export data to an image:

  1. Click on the arrow on the right side of the Quick export images PIC button on the toolbar and select the Export images button or press Ctrl+E key (or the Command+E key for macOS).

  2. Select the Export to image tab. The export window will look as shown in Fig. 2.86.

  3. Set the path to the folder for export by entering it into the Path to export field or click the PIC button and select the path in the dialog box.

  4. Enter the file name.

  5. Select the file extension from the drop-down menu.

  6. Select a set of images for export. Three options are available:

  7. Select the capture type. Three options are available:

  8. Set the image size if necessary.

  9. To initiate export, click OK. To cancel the export, click CANCEL.


Figure 2.86: Export image to file window

To continue exporting images to a file with the current settings, click on the Quick export images PIC button or press F5. The file names will be specified automatically. If you attempt to export the same image twice, the DICOM Viewer will return the "File with the same name already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" warning. To overwrite the image, click YES. To cancel, click NO.

This tool is also available from the Image main menu item.

The results of image export to a file are affected by the filter applied (see Section 2.6).

PIC An image to which a filter has been applied is not original, and the measurement results may be inaccurate.