2.34 Synchronize Images

Synchronization is applied if two or more series are opened for the same study. This function allows you to scroll images in several series synchronously. By default the option is enabled.

To set up the synchronization options you need, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the arrow on the right side of the Sync series PIC button on the toolbar. This tool is also available from the Image main menu item.

  2. In the drop-down menu for the PIC button (Fig. 2.34), choose the synchronization types and modes:


Figure 2.96: Activating the image synchronization types and modes

If there are several images in the window, then the properties of the first image will be used for scaling and movement evaluation.

Image synchronization is performed automatically. To disable synchronization, click on the Sync series PIC button.

To disable the default synchronization on the DICOM Viewer startup, uncheck the Turn on sync image by default box in the image viewer setup dialog box (see Section 16.7.1).