1.1 Main Menu

The Main menu is shown in Fig. 1.2 (highlighted in red).


Figure 1.2: Location of the main menu in the DICOM Viewer window

The main menu includes several items.

1.1.1 File

The File menu item contains the following sub-items:

1.1.2 Network

The Network main menu item contains the following sub-items:

For details on how to work with the network, see Chapter 13.

The DICOM printer settings are described in Chapter 19.

1.1.3 Storage

The Storage main menu item contains the following sub-items:

For details on how to work with the storage, see Chapter 14.

1.1.4 View

The View main menu item contains the following sub-items:

If a sub-item name is displayed in grey, it means that the command is unavailable for the selected study. If all sub-item names are displayed in grey, it means that no study has been selected from the study panel. Section 1.5 describes how to select studies. Three display modes are available for each sub-item:

If the DICOM Viewer is set up for working with two displays, and/or if the screen is split, there are up to four options for displaying a tab.The monitor settings are described in Section 16.5.

1.1.5 Studies

The Studies main menu item contains the following sub-items:

For details on how to select data source, see Section 1.5. Sub-items Server search and Local storage search are available for the sub-item Search.

For details on how to work with studies, see Section 1.11.

1.1.6 Series

The Series main menu item contains the following sub-items:

Sub-items Sort by description, Sort by time and Sort by series number are available for the sub-item Sort.

For details on how to work with series, see Section 1.11.

1.1.7 Options

The Settings main menu item contains the following sub-items:

The DICOM Viewer settings are described in Chapter 16.

1.1.8 Help

The Help menu item contains the following sub-items:

The Help System is described in Chapter 22.