Chapter 12
Image annotation


Functionality is available in a separate module which is activated in the Pro edition for an extra fee

The module described in this chapter is aimed for marking various objects on DICOM images manually with the help of contours and exporting them in JSON format. The results of image annotation may be used for training neural networks created for recognition of image components.

The following terms will be used in the description of the image annotation module:
Object — A selected part of an image.
Annotation — Marking objects.
Class (of objects) — Objects united by a quality specified by the user. A class is characterized by a unique name and properties.

The image annotation module is available in the flat image viewer tab and provides for the following functions:

 12.1 Licensing the Image Annotation Module
 12.2 Opening a Series in the Image Annotation Mode
 12.3 Creating a Tree of Object Groups and Classes
  12.3.1 Creating a New Class of Objects
  12.3.2 Creating a Group of Object Classes
  12.3.3 Operations with Object Classes and Groups
  12.3.4 Compatibility of Trees of Groups and Classes
 12.4 Export and Import of the Tree of Groups and Classes
  12.4.1 Export of the Tree of Groups and Classes
  12.4.2 Import of a Tree of Groups and Classes
 12.5 Marking Objects with Contours
  12.5.1 Actions with Object Contours
  12.5.2 Changing the Class of Object Contour
 12.6 Saving and Opening Annotation Results
  12.6.1 Saving Annotation Results
  12.6.2 Opening Annotation Results
 12.7 Export of Annotation Results