1.4 Toolbar

The Toolbar is shown in Fig. 1.10 (highlighted in red).


Figure 1.10: Toolbar location in the DICOM Viewer window

Data source selection buttons on the toolbar:

PIC The Open DICOM CD/DVD, which contains DICOMDIR metafile button sets a CD or DVD as the source of DICOM data and opens the folder selection dialog.
PIC The Scan a folder for DICOM data button sets a folder as the DICOM data source and opens the folder selection dialog.
PIC The Open a zip archive with DICOM data button provides a folder with zipped studies as the DICOM data source and opens the folder selection dialog.
PIC The Search data on the remote PACS Server button sets a PACS server as the DICOM data source and opens the search panel.
PIC The Search data in the Local Storage button sets a local storage as the DICOM data source and opens the search panel.

For details on how to work with the search panel, see Section 1.7.

The button corresponding to the selected data source is displayed on a light background.

Image view buttons on the toolbar:

PIC The Image viewer button opens images in the flat image view window.
PIC The Volume reconstruction button opens images in the volume reconstruction window.
PIC The MPR Reconstruction button opens images in the multiplanar reconstruction window.
PIC The Vessel analysis opens images in the Vessel Analysis window(ADD).
PIC The Coronary artery analysis opens images in the Coronary Artery Analysis window(ADD).
PIC The Cardiac function analysis opens images in the Cardiac Function Analysis window(ADD).
PIC The Virtual endoscopy button opens images in the virtual endoscopy window(PRO).
PIC The Series fusion button opens images in the series fusion window(PRO).
PIC The PET analysis button opens images in the PET Analysis window(ADD).
PIC The Show image tags button opens DICOM tags for the selected series of the selected study (see Section 17.
PIC The Open pdf document button opens the pdf document contained in the study in the default pdf viewer.
PIC The ECG Viewer button opens images in the ECG view window.

If the action corresponding to a button is not available, the button looks pale and cannot be pressed (inactive).

All the buttons in this group are made up of two parts (Fig. 1.11).


Figure 1.11: Button with location options

If you click on the arrow (right side of the button highlighted in green), a menu with options for displaying the information on the screen will pop up.

To open an image in a new tab, click on the button (highlighted in red).

The DICOM Viewer provides an opportunity to open selected series in various tabs with certain key combinations. Hotkeys have been assigned by default to the most popular tabs (the key combinations are provided in parenthesis):

You can change a hotkey combination or assign new hotkeys to other tabs in the Tabs section of the Hotkeys settings (see Section 16.8).

A series may be opened with the help of a key combination from the list of studies or from another tab where the respective buttons are provided.

PIC The DICOM CD/DVD Creator button opens the creator for disks containing DICOM data. The disk write is described in Chapter 15.
PIC The Advanced search button opens the advanced search panel at the top of the tab. To hide the panel, click the button again. If the search panel is open, the search button will be displayed against a light background. For details on how to work with the search panel, see the next section.
PIC The Save studies list to the folder button allows you to save the selected studies to the specified folder. This function is available as well from the study context menu. For details on how to save studies see Section 1.6.1