The DICOM Viewer may be launched by clicking the link on the web browser page.
If the DICOM Viewer has already been launched on the computer, the URL parameters will be sent to the program that has been launched. The program will not be launched again (see Launch multiple instances of the program).
To enable the DICOM Viewer launch with a URL Command on Windows, the DICOM Viewer must be registered in the URI system as inobitec.
The DICOM Viewer is automatically registered in the URI system when the software is installed. To enable the support of the DICOM Viewer launch with a URL Command, check the Register the schema "inobitec" to launch a viewer with parameters from browser box in the Extended parameters window (Fig. 7). By default, the box is not checked. If this option has been activated, administrator privileges will be required in the process of software installation. When the DICOM Viewer is deleted, it remains registered in the URI system.
In order to enable the DICOM Viewer launch from a browser on Linux, when the Applmage file is run for the first time, it must be integrated with the system. A support program, such as AppImageLauncher may be required for the OS to make an integration request.
When the application is integrated, the scheme is registered for the current user (the desktop file from Applmage is installed in ∼/.local/share/applications).
![]() | The Firefox browser installed with Snap or Flatpack deployment utilities will not follow any third-party URI schemes due to the security policy. |
The support of the DICOM Viewer launch from a browser on macOS is enabled automatically when the DMG file with the application is opened.
To reset the scheme provided, use the following command: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/ Support/lsregister -u <Path to the installed app file>
To test the DICOM Viewer launch, enter the inobitec:// command in the address bar of the browser.
The DICOM Viewer window will be opened after confirmation of the request.
The following parameters (in the key=<value> or key format) are available for URL requests:
study-folder=<path> — the path to the directory with the study files. If there are several studies, then the following options are applied to the first study in the list:
open-series-images — display the first series in the flat image view window
open-series-mpr — display the first series in the multiplanar reconstruction window
open-series-volume — display the first series in the volume reconstruction window
open-series-endoscopy — display the first series in the virtual endoscopy window
study-uid=<study_uid 1>\…\<study_uid N> — the list of unique identifiers (UID) of the studies containing a series to be opened in the image viewer tab
series-uid=<series_uid 1>\…\<series_uid N> — the list of unique identifiers (UID) of the series to be opened
series-index=<series_index 1>\…\<series_index N> — the list of series indexes to be opened. Numbering of the series-index parameter starts from zero and depends on the current type of series sorting in the study
patient-id=<patient_id> — the identifier of the patient, for whom the study list is to be opened
pacs-aetitle=<pacs_aetitle> — provide the AE Title for the PACS server. For connection, the parameters provided in the connection settings for the particular server are used (see Section 13.2). Only the following command can be used with this option:
open-series-images — open the first series in the flat image view window
Transmission in URL requests of a list containing study uid (study-uid), series uid (series-uid), and series indices (series-index) to be loaded is performed in the same way as the transmission of parameters’ lists in the command line (see Section 20.1).
The following format of the URL command is used for launching the DICOM Viewer inobitec://?param_1=”value_1”&...¶m_m=&...¶m_n=”value_n”
In this format, the param_m parameter has no value. Quote symbols must be replaced by
the respective code designations. It is also recommended to replace any symbols different
from letters and numbers by code designations in the names of parameters and values.
Below you can see some examples of console commands and respective URL commands.
Example 1. viewer.exe --study-folder “D:/DicomData/001” --series-index “0” --open-series-mpr console command corresponds to inobitec://?study%2Dfolder=%22D%3A%2FDicomData%2F001%22&series%2Dindex=%220%22&open%2Dseries%2Dmpr= URL command.
In the multiplanar reconstruction window, the command opens a series with 0 index of the first
study contained in the D:/DicomData/001.
Example 2. viewer.exe --pacs-aetitle “PACS_Inobitec” --patient-id “9Htqj5c” --open-series-images console command corresponds to inobitec://?pacs%2Daetitle=%22PACS%5FInobitec%22&patient%2Did= %229Htqj5c%22&series%2Dindex=10&open%2Dseries%2Dimages= URL command.
In the flat image viewer window, the command opens the first series of the first study with 9Htqj5c
patient id, which is placed on the PACS Server with AE Title PACS_Inobitec.
If there is a mistake in the URL request, the DICOM Viewer window is opened, and an error notification is added to the log file. If there is a mistake in one of the request parameters, the other parameters are processed all the same.