![]() | Attention! On macOS, command line parameters are not supported. |
If the DICOM Viewer has already been launched on the computer, the command line parameters will be sent to the program that has been launched. The program will not be launched again (see Launch multiple instances of the program).
Launching the program from the command line allows you to set specific parameters for the current session of the program, change the settings and get help information about the command line options. To launch the DICOM Viewer use the following syntax on the command line:
[<path_to_the_program>]< executable_program> [ --help] | [--study-folder <path> [--open-series-images | --open-series-mpr | --open-series-volume | --open-series-endoscopy [--series-uid <uid> | --series-index <index>]]] | [--pacs-aetitle <aetitle> [--patient-id <patientID>] [--study-uid <studyUID>] [--series-index <seriesIndex> | --series-uid <seriesUID>] [--open-series-images] ] | [--aet <aet>] | [--import-settings <path> [--use-imported-listener-aetitle | --aet <aet>] [--update-scu-aetitle]] | [--export-settings <path>]
--help: display the help information about the command line options, exit the program.
--study-folder <path>: display the study (studies) contained in the specified folder. The following startup parameters apply:
--patient-id <patientID>: show the study with the specified patientID. Parameter has higher priority than --study-uid
--open-series-images: display the first series in the flat image view window
--open-series-mpr: display the first series in the multiplanar reconstruction window
--open-series-volume: display the first series in the volume reconstruction window
--open-series-endoscopy(PRO): display the first series in the virtual endoscopy window
Any of these parameters can be used with the following parameters:
--study-uid ";<studyUID 1> \…\<studyUID N>";: open the first series from each of the selected studies on the list with the respective studyUID
--series-uid ";<seriesUID 1> \…\<seriesUID N>";: open series from the list with the respective seriesUID
--series-index ";<seriesIndex 1> \…\<seriesIndex N>";: open series from the list with the respective seriesIndex. The seriesIndex parameter numeration starts with zero and depends on the current type of sorting series in the study
--pacs-aetitle <aetitle>: attempt to open study list from PACSServer which AE Title matches the specified AE Title. For connection, the parameters provided in the connection settings for the particular server are used (see Section 13.2). The following options can be used with this option in different combinations:
--patient-id <patientID>: show the study with the specified patientID. Parameter has higher priority than --study-uid
--study-uid ";<studyUID 1> \…\<studyUID N>";: on the list of studies, search for the studies with the respective studyUID
--series-uid ";<seriesUID 1> \…\<seriesUID N>";: for the selected studies, choose the series with the respective seriesUID
--series-index ";<seriesIndex 1> \…\<seriesIndex N>";: for the selected studies, choose the series with the respective seriesIndex. The seriesIndex parameter numeration starts with zero and depends on the current type of sorting series in the study
--open-series-images: display the selected series in the flat image view window. If a series is not selected, the first one of the first study is used
The list of parameters’ values is provided in one line with "\" separator. The list of study-uid and series-uid parameters is composed as follows: the first parameter value from the study-uid list is matched by the first parameter value from the series-uid list, the second parameter value from the study-uid list is matched by the second parameter value from the series-uid list, etc. If one of the lists contains fewer values than the other one, empty values are added. Empty values can only be provided in the beginning and in the middle of the list.
![]() | Attention! The list of parameter values must not be ended with the "\" separator. |
The same correlation exists between study-uid and series-index parameters. The values from the series-uid list have a higher priority than the values from the series-index list. If the value of the series-uid parameter is not empty, the respective value of the series-index parameter is ignored. Below, you can see an example of transmission of study-uid, series-uid and series-index parameters’ lists to a console command:
C:\Users\user\DICOMViewerPro2.16.0\viewer.exe --study-folder D:\dicom_data --study-uid ";\