20.1 Launch from the Command Line

PIC Attention! On macOS, command line parameters are not supported.

If the DICOM Viewer has already been launched on the computer, the command line parameters will be sent to the program that has been launched. The program will not be launched again (see ??).

Launching the program from the command line allows you to set specific parameters for the current session of the program, change the settings and get help information about the command line options. To launch the DICOM Viewer use the following syntax on the command line:

[<path_to_the_program>]< executable_program> [ --help] | [--study-folder <path> [--open-series-images | --open-series-mpr | --open-series-volume | --open-series-endoscopy [--series-uid <uid> | --series-index <index>]]] | [--pacs-aetitle <aetitle> [--patient-id <patientID>] [--study-uid <studyUID>] [--series-index <seriesIndex> | --series-uid <seriesUID>] [--open-series-images] ] | [--aet <aet>] | [--import-settings <path> [--use-imported-listener-aetitle | --aet <aet>] [--update-scu-aetitle]] | [--export-settings <path>]

Example: C:\Users\user\DICOMViewerPro1.9.1\viewer.exe --study-folder D:\dicom_data --open-series-images --series-index 1 shows series with seriesIndex 1 of the first study from the D:\dicom_data folder in the Flat images view window.

If the option is wrong, then the help information about the command line options is displayed, and the program exits. If the option value is wrong (e.g. there are not DICOM data in the specified folder, there is no series with the specified seriesUID or seriesIndex), then this and all subsequent options are ignored.

PIC Attention! If some AE Titles of several PACSServers match, then data will be searched on the first PACSServer on the list. PACSServers are sorted by the "Server nickname" field.

For details on how to set up connection to PACSServer, see Section 13.2.

The length of AE Title value shall not exceed 16 characters. Cyrillic letters and "\" symbols in AE titles are not allowed.

The following options are used to change the settings. After executing any of these commands, the program exits. In case of a successful execution, the word Done appears on the command line.