Chapter 4
Series Fusion

PIC There are certain peculiarities associated with fused series depending on the type of the rendering device:
  • On a CPU-based renderer, the display of merged series may not be accurate in the Volume reconstruction tab.

  • For the CUDA renderer, no more than four fused series may be displayed in the Volume reconstruction tab.

  • For OpenCL and Metal rendering devices, no more than four fused series may be displayed in the Volume reconstruction tab and no more than eight fused series may be displayed in theMPR reconstruction tab.

To be suitable for fusion, series must comply with the following requirements:

PIC The series obtained as a result of fusion cannot be fused again.

The procedure of viewing fused series is the same as viewing series in the flat image viewer tab. It is described in Section 2.7.

 4.1 Create Series Fusion
 4.2 Merge Series from Different Studies
 4.3 Merge layers
  4.3.1 Locking the Frame of Reference for a Layer
  4.3.2 Merge layers automatically
  4.3.3 Merge layers manually
  4.3.4 Merge layers by control points
  4.3.5 Export and Import Matrices of Merge Layers
 4.4 Image registration
  4.4.1 Series registration
  4.4.2 Phases registration
 4.5 Actions with the fused series
 4.6 Image stitching mode
 4.7 Volume Stitching