4.7 Volume Stitching


Functionality is available in the Pro edition

PIC This function cannot be used for establishing a diagnosis

The DICOM Viewer provides an opportunity to export several fused series to the current study as a new series. The fused series will be stitched as one layer.


Figure 4.13: The layers are fused, and the new series is ready for stitching

To export a fused series to the current study as a new series, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the series in the MPR reconstruction tab.

  2. Click the Export button on the segmented structure panel and select the Export volume stitching option on the dropdown menu (Fig. 4.14).


    Figure 4.14: Export menu

  3. In the Volume stitching options (Fig. 4.15) dialog box that pops up, add a description of the series created. By default, the description is generated automatically according to the following template: stitching of <description of the 1st layer series> and … <description of the N layer series>


    Figure 4.15: Dialog box for customizing the volume stitching parameters

  4. Specify the position and the boundaries of the exported area in the coordinates of the voxel model of the first (basic) layer. The size of the exported area will be calculated automatically and may be changed by the user. The position and the boundaries of the exported area are shown in the windows of the MPR reconstruction tab and may be changed when editing the numeric values.

    The acceptable range of values for the coordinates of the exported area position is from -8192 to 8192, for the coordinates of the boundaries — from 1 to 8192.

    PIC The boundaries of the exported area along the X and Y axes are determined by the volume of the basic layer.
  5. On the Intensity rescale method drop-down list, select the intensity rescale method for the stitched volumes:

    If all the volumes have the same intensity range and the same modality, then the No rescale method will be set by default. If volumes with different modalities and different intensity ranges are stitched, the By visible intensity method is set by default.

  6. On the Volume stitching weight computing method, select the computing method for weights:

    If volumes with the same modality are stitched, the By volume geometry method is selected by default. Otherwise, the Shared weights method is selected by default.

    PIC The default values of the intensity rescale method and the volume stitching weight computing method are set when the Volume stitching options dialog box pops up for the first time. The methods selected by the user will be saved when the dialog box is opened again.
  7. Click OK to stitch the layers of the fused series and export the new series to the current study, or click CANCEL to cancel. The stitching and export procedure may take some time.

PIC Make sure that all the volume required has been exported.

The exported series is saved in the local storage as a new series. A thumbnail for the new series will be added to the series panel.

If one or several original series are multiphase series, the stitching and export procedures are only performed for the current phase.