History of changes:
Legend: [+] Addition, [*] Enhancement, [-] Elimination of a defect.
The main differences between the editions of Lite and Pro of version 2.16.0
are presented in the section "About the product", subsection "Viewer Functionality" of User's ManualVersion 2.16.0
Pro edition upgrades:- [+] Image stitching
- [+] Contour panel in the Cardiac Function Analysis Module (additional Module, purchased separately for the Pro edition)
- [+] Brush opening operation
- [+] Brush closing operation
- [+] Volume stitching with different modality/intensity ranges
- [*] Improved export functionality for fused series
- [*] Option to set the image scrolling tool as default
- [*] Opening multiple studies from the study list
- [*] Opening multiple studies with a single command
- [*] Enhanced behavior of the brush editing tool
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.15.2
General changes for both editions:- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.15.1
Pro edition upgrades:- [+] Image switching tool in the Cardiac Function Analysis Module (additional Module, purchased separately for the Pro edition)
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.15.0
Pro edition upgrades:- [+] Automatic construction of the left ventricle's outer border (additional Module, purchased separately for the Pro edition)
- [+] Volume graphs for functional analysis of the heart (additional Module, purchased separately for the Pro edition)
- [*] The segmented structures panel has been improved
- [+] Downloading series and studies by WADO
- [+] Display of the patient's name on the tab label
- [+] Opening series from the context menu for the image viewing tab
- [+] Colored labels for displayed tags and other information
- [*] Keyboard shortcuts for opening new tabs
- [*] The list of default tags for anonymization has been extended
- [*] Keyboard shortcuts for changing projections for the image viewing tab
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.14.0
Pro edition upgrades:- [+] Functional analysis of the heart for MR-studies (additional Module, purchased separately for the Pro edition)
- [+] Customization of the windows arrangement in MPR tab
- [+] Cardiothoracic Ratio calculation (CTR)
- [*] Additional information display on the series thumbnails in the Series Fusion tab
- [*] Manual data input for the Blood Flow Analysis function
- [*] Angle measurement between the rulers
- [*] Ability to close the application, if it is currently running by another user on the same device
- [*] Remove the selected measurement and annotation by Del key
- [*] Font settings for markers and measuring tools in the volume reconstruction window
- [*] Gender display in the annotations
- [*] Autorun of the application
- [*] Ability to open the data from the folder's context menu in OS Windows
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.13.0
Pro edition upgrades:- [+] Creation of Radiology Report
- [+] Applying filters to images (sharpen, blur, median)
- [+] Volume subtraction
- [*] Mask export from MPR tab
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.12.1
General changes for both editions:- [*] ".dcm" extension for the exported files
- [*] slice thickness information in the exported files
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.12.0
Pro edition upgrades:- [+] Export of volume stitching
- [+] Command execution via URL using inobitec:// protocol
- [+] Support of Structured Report (SR)
- [*] The program operation on several monitors has been improved
- [*] Display of additional tags on US studies
- [*] Language selection menu for integrated user manual
- [*] Withdrawal of support for video adapters with CUDA sm below 3.0
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.11.1
General changes for both editions:- [*] Display of additional DICOM tags on ultrasound studies
- [-] Fixed several minor and critical bugs
Version 2.11.0
Pro edition upgrades:- [*] Redesign of the segmentation panel
- [*] Support for fused series (up to 8 layers) in MPR for Metal and OpenCL
- [*] Scrolling slices in the vascular section window (additional Vessels Analysis Module, purchased separately for the Pro edition)
- [+] Measurement of speed and time interval for dopplerography
- [+] Distance measurement on ultrasound studies (US)
- [+] Support for color lookup tables (CLUTs) embedded in DICOM data
- [*] Saving selected series to a folder
- [-] Fixed several minor and critical bugs
Version 2.10.0
Pro edition upgrades:- [+] Support of .glb format for mesh export
- [+] Image scrolling tool has been added for the Vessels Analysis Module and for the Coronary Arteries Analysis Module (additional Modules, purchased separately to the Pro edition)
- [-] Covid lung analysis module is no longer supported
- [+] MPR view sync on several monitors
- [+] Merge series into phases
- [+] Customization of WL presets
- [+] Display of MPR planes on 3D view
- [*] Ability to hide boundaries of the scout lines for 2D view mode
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.9.1
- [+] Image Annotation Module (additional Module purchased separately for the Pro edition)
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.9.0
Pro edition upgrades:- [+] Auto-saving mode for segmentation projects (additional Advanced Segmentation Module, purchased separately for the Pro edition)
- [+] A ruler for measuring the length along the shortest path across the volume's surface
- [*] Improved vascular detection algorithm (additional Vascular Analysis Module, purchased separately for the Pro edition)
- [*] Improved "Vessel tree segmentation" tool
- [*] Increased number of studies for ADC mapping
- [+] Flat image view with orthogonal projections
- [+] Pencil tool
- [+] Chinese language support for the program interface
- [+] Portuguese language support for the program interface
- [*] Default settings for DICOM printing
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.8.0
Pro edition upgrades:- [+] Polygonal rendering and mesh transparency for Metal (macOS v10.15 onwards)
- [+] Improved perfusion calculation algorithm
- [+] Display of several maps simultaneously in perfusion mode
- [+] Multislice mode support for blood flow analysis
- [+] New modes of curvilinear reconstruction display
- [+] Improved the speed of loading DICOM-studies from the directory
- [+] Ability to set up the dedicated volume of buffer memory
- [+] Standard plane orientation on 3D view window in MPR mode
- [*] The number of supported video players has been increased
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.7.1
- [+] Study search by "Date of Birth" has been restored
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.7.0
- [+] Assessment of the blood circulation parameters on the basis of phase-contrast images (only in Pro edition)
- [+] Voxel rendering support on Metal for macOS (since version 10.15)
- [+] Synchronizing series while viewing flat images
- [+] Interactive customization of WL parameters on the histogram panel
- [+] Auto update of the study list and the series downloaded via a network
- [+] Displaying the point value under the cursor
- [+] Inclusion of the patient's age in the abstract
- [+] Expanding windows by double-clicking
- [+] Distributing software on Linux with AppImage
- [+] An opportunity to save the study search parameters has been added
- [*] The Search Panel design has been changed: filtering parameters have been added
- [*] The interface color palette has been changed
- [*] Cancelling the contouring procedures (only in Pro edition)
- [*] Minimum supported version of macOS 10.13
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.6.1
- [+] Calling the downloadAndOpenStudy http command without server parameters
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.6.0
- [+] Contour based segmentation
- [+] Opening DICOM studies from ZIP archives
- [+] Displaying the boundaries of the segmented structure mask in MPR
- [+] A tool for dilated structure subtraction
- [+] A welcome panel with the settings displayed when the program is launched for the first time
- [*] Windows installer updated
- [*] Saving the model orientation and projection in spj-projects
- [*] Working with a histogram has been improved, including ROI visual display
- [*] Automated morphological opening/closing while building a surface
- [*] Optimization of the surface building process
- [*] Modification of the logic of the non-interactive tool for removing bone tissue
- [*] Ability to perform measurements and build graphic objects by pressing and releasing the mouse button
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
- [-] Windows XP is no longer supported
Version 2.5.1
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.5.0
- [+] The opportunity to import/export segmented structures has been added for DICOM RT (an additional Extended Segmentation Module, purchased separately to the Pro edition)
- [+] The opportunity to customize the windows arrangement has been added for the Curved reconstruction mode
- [+] The opportunity to voxelize and create polygon mesh for DTI has been added
- [+] The support of secure connection with TLS has been added
- [+] CT perfusion support has been added, and the control panel for perfusion has been modified
- [+] A full dynamic WL mode has been added
- [+] The opportunity to edit DICOM tags in the event of anonymization has been added
- [*] The segmentation panel has been improved
- [*] New opportunities for the creation of segmentation projects have been added, including the opportunity to save markers (an additional Extended Segmentation Module, purchased separately to the Pro edition)
- [*] The opportunity to hide the central vessel line has been added (an additional Vessels Analyses Module, purchased separately to the Pro edition)
- [*] The list of coronary vessels has been extended (an additional Coronary Arteries Analyses Module, purchased separately to the Pro edition)
- [*] The bone removal procedure has been improved
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.4.0
- [+] Spanish language has been added
- [+] The opportunity to show cross sections for curved reconstructions has been added
- [+] The opportunity to drag & drop studies to the launched application has been added
- [+] The AI module for lung damage assessment has been added (This is an additional module for Pro edition, which sold separately. The service is provided by Care Mentor AI)
- [*] The accuracy of polygon mesh construction has been improved
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.3.1
- [+] The opportunity to add general DICOM service settings for files acceptance has been added
- [+] ASCII stl format reading support has been added
- [+] Automatic parameters setting for watershed segmentation has been added
- [+] The opportunity to edit WL and CLUT from the segmentation panel has been added
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.3
- [+] German language has been added
- [+] French language has been added
- [+] Ubuntu 20 support has been added
- [+] The opportunity to add a logo for printing has been added
- [+] The opportunity for segmentation on the basis of structures with the region growth method has been added
- [+] The opportunity for bone tissue removal with watershed method has been added
- [+] The opportunity for automatic filling in the 2D form has been added
- [+] The opportunity for opening studies by dragging and dropping on the program icon has been added
- [+] The opportunity for working with several studies in the same PET window has been added (an additional module to the Pro edition, purchased separately)
- [+] The opportunity for customizing the windows arrangement in the PET analysis module has been added (an additional module to the Pro edition, purchased separately)
- [+] The opportunity for opening a segmentation project without loading the study first has been added (an additional module to the Pro edition, purchased separately)
- [*] Additional settings for saving the results of segmentation have been provided (an additional module to the Pro edition, purchased separately)
- [*] The segmentation panel has been elaborated
- [*] The way of managing inactive tools has been altered
- [*] The function of MP4 video recording by default has been added
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
- [-] Ubuntu 16 is no longer supported
Version 2.2.2
- [+] Switching projection mode in 3D has been added
- [-] Fixed some bugs
Version 2.2.1
- [+] The opportunity to separate Brush Cut and Restore tools has been added
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.2.0
- [+] Transparency support for polygonal meshes
- [+] Ability to save and open the segmentation result (additional module for "Pro" edition, purchased separately)
- [+] Ability to automatically align layers by local area
- [+] Image speed scrolling tool
- [+] Setting the segmentation mask in 3D window
- [*] Improved ability to hide markers for all segmented structures
- [*] Enhancement of "vessel tree segmentation" tool
- [*] Advanced ROI tools for perfusion analysis mode
- [*] Collection of anonymous statistics
- [*] Ability to read damaged DICOM files
- [*] Enhanced reading of DICOM tags
- [*] New design of the "About" window
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs fixed
Version 2.1.0
- [+] Japanese language has been added
- [+] Ukrainian language has been added
- [+] The opportunity to send print lists to the PACS server has been added
- [+] The opportunity to use one PACS server for all the device users has been added
- [+] The opportunity to change the slice thickness in the PET analysis module has been introduced (additional module to the Pro edition, purchased separately)
- [+] Notifications on new software versions have been introduced
- [+] The opportunity to assess the existing functionality has been added
- [*] "Vessel tree segmentation" tool has been improved
- [*] The opportunity to use various reference images for printing has been introduced
- [*] Additional functions for the PET analysis module have been introduced (additional module to the Pro edition, purchased separately)
- [*] The perfusion analysis function has been made more user-friendly
- [*] The printing function has been made more user-friendly
- [-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.0.1
- [*] Segmentation from point tool doesn’t auto switch off any more
- [-] Fixed some bugs
Version 2.0.0
- [+] New interface design
- [+] High resolution monitor support
- [+] Tool control with mouse buttons
- [+] Control of inactive tools
- [+] Cerebral perfusion
- [+] DICOM tag viewing in a separate window
- [+] New embedded Inobitec Web DICOM Viewer
- [*] Reduced risks associated with the program operation
- [*] macOS Catalina (10.15) support
- [-] The function of pedicle screw installation planning has been deleted
- [-] Fixed small and critical bugs
Version 1.15.2
- [*] Compressed images downloading by C-GET
- [*] Improved 3D render device initialization
- [*] Increased precision for Brush tool
- [*] Flipped images export
- [-] Fixed small bugs
Version 1.15.1
- [+] Hotkey for 3D model cantering (Alt + middle mouse button)
- [*] Philips study support for DCE
- [-] Fixed small bugs
Version 1.15.0
- [+] Video recording
- [+] Watershed segmentation using markers
- [+] 3D models depth cantering
- [+] Printing from the PET analysis module (additional module to the Pro edition, purchased separately)
- [+] Special WL settings for the PET analysis module (additional module to the Pro edition, purchased separately)
- [*] Extended image playback
- [*] Stitching images of different sizes
- [-] Fixed small and critical bugs
Version 1.14.2
- [*] Changed end-user license agreement
- [*] Extended disk recording settings
- [*] Extended anonymization
- [-] Fixed small bugs
Version 1.14.1
- [-] Fixed a critical bug
Version 1.14.0
- [+] New application icon
- [+] Watershed segmentation
- [+] Lasso mode for Polygon Cut tools
- [+] Corner tool for 3D
- [+] High-pass filter for ECG
- [+] Opening all charts from dcm files
- [+] Font size settings for annotations
- [+] Added new CLUTs: [WL]Hot Metal, [WL]Flow, [WL]GE color
- [*] Extended PET analysis module (additional module to the Pro edition, purchased separately)
- [*] Improved adding and removing layer in 3D and MPR
- [*] Improved disk recording functionality
- [*] Optimized image displaying
- [*] Extended anonymization
- [-] Fixed small and critical bugs
Version 1.13.1
- [-] Fixed some bugs
Version 1.13.0
- [+] Coronary arteries analysis module (additional module to the Pro edition, purchased separately)
- [+] PET analysis module (additional module to the Pro edition, purchased separately)
- [+] Web access module
- [+] Restore settings
- [+] Calcium scoring
- [+] All study modality display
- [+] Phases export
- [+] Added new CLUTs: [WL]Hot Iron, [WL]PET Blue, [WL]Hot Metal Blue, [WL]Hot Metal Blue 2
- [*] Extended command list for command line
- [*] Extended DICOM tag filling on export
- [*] Extended image registration
- [-] Fixed small and critical bugs
Version 1.12.3
- [-] Fixed some bugs
Version 1.12.2
- [*] Extended tag reading
- [-] Fixed some bugs
Version 1.12.1
- [*] Extended tag reading
- [-] Fixed a small bug
Version 1.12.0
- [+] Non rigid registration
- [+] Binding actions to the mouse buttons for the 3D and MPR forms
- [+] ECG filters
- [+] ECG export
- [+] Noise and holes removing for voxel models
- [+] Transparent image capture for 3D reconstruction
- [+] Multi-segment growing
- [+] SUV measurement
- [*] Changed markers display
- [*] Extended studies export
- [*] Extended segmented structures creation
- [*] Extended anonymization
- [-] Fixed small and critical bugs
Version 1.11.1
- [+] Character set for a PACS server
- [+] Limitation of simultaneous connections to a PACS server
- [-] Fixed small and critical bugs
Version 1.11.0
- [+] Vessels analysis module (additional module to the Pro edition, purchased separately)
- [+] Abdomen precete
- [+] Histogram analysis and export
- [+] Open MPR/3D from Flat images view window
- [+] Binding actions to the mouse buttons for the Flat image view window
- [+] Using ImagerPixelSpacing tag instead of PixelSpacing
- [+] Creating series display templates for various modalities
- [+] Polygonal ruler for Flat images view mode
- [+] Text and graphic annotations on MPR
- [+] Reference Images for printing
- [+] Polygonal marker
- [+] Display of histograms for segmented structures
- [+] Bone subtraction tool
- [*] Reset WL settings in the window when changing images
- [*] The last open window is active on the Flat images view window
- [*] Setting the curve line visibility for curvilinear reconstruction
- [*] Move 3D cursor tool with the mouse
- [*] Improved convenience of selection tools in DCE
- [*] Displays the phase line on the DCE graph
- [*] DICOM print is available only as one image
- [-] Fixed small bugs
Version 1.10.1
- [+] Web Interface for viewing and downloading studies stored in the local storage
- [-] Fixed small bugs
Version 1.10.0
- [+] Diffusion Tensor Imaging(DTI) support: scalar maps and tractography
- [+] Improvement of printing module: page templates editor, scaling/panning/windowing and removing/swapping selected images in the print preview window, optinons to print patient/image info and image orientation letters, capturing images for printing in the MPR/3D/Fusion windows, raw image and image screenshot modes for capturing images for printing
- [+] New mode of Click&Drag segmentation tool using level set approach
- [+] Union/Subtraction/Intersection of segmented structures from different series, supporting such operations for the polygonal models
- [+] Copying polygonal models across fusion levels
- [+] New series fusion mode: stitching images
- [*] Export entire series into *.jpg/*.png/*.bmp and new DICOM series
- [*] Interactive model centering in 3D window
- [*] Polygonal models accounting for automatic centering in 3D window
- [*] Option to add imported polygonal model into center of 3D reconstruction
- [*] New mesh generation algorithm with increased precision
- [+] Automatic model rotation mode in 3D window
- [+] MG modality 3D reconstruction support
- [+] Choosing of image resampling filter in 2D window: bilinear, b-spline, Mitchel, Catmull-Rom, Lanczos(3-7)
- [*] Support of program installation into folders with restricted access, like the "Program Files" folder in Windows (files in the program folder no longer modifing)
- [+] Export of the current study list into *.csv file
- [*] macOS High Sierra (10.13) support
Version 1.9.2
- [+] Shared folder to store service data
- [-] Fixed critical bug
Version 1.9.1
- [*] Done a lot of improvements
- [-] Fixed a lot of bugs
Version 1.9.0
- [+] Tool Magnifier for flat image view mode
- [+] Play series images subsequently as a movie
- [+] Integrated help system
- [+] 3D view on MPR
- [+] Voxel editing sculpture tool
- [+] Move, Copy and Init local storage without restarting
- [+] Anonymizing of studies and series
- [+] Record DICOM data to flash
- [+] Automatic local storage cleaning at some period of time
- [+] Segmentation tools
- [+] Planning of Pedicle Screws Installation
- [+] Extended series matching functionality while fusioning
- [+] Mixed RGB colors Fusion
- [+] PLY format surface import
Version 1.8.9
- [+] The ability to use native dialogs to open \ save operating system files
- [+] The ability to turn an application to the system tray
Version 1.8.8
- [+] The mechanism for downloading the entire study from the PACS server to the client has been extended
- [+] Improved installation script (it is now possible to reinstall the application)
- [-] Trouble with importing settings is fixed
Version 1.8.7
- [+] Added support for handling C-FIND and C-MOVE commands
Version 1.8.6
- [+] The possibility of centering a polygonal model when exporting is added
- [+] The functionality of fitting of series at merge is expanded:
- - setting the transparency of layers;
- - fitting of layers using the keyboard;
- - scaling layers.
- [+] Added the ability to rotate the image at an arbitrary angle in the MPR mode
- [-] Fixed many minor and critical defects
Version 1.8.1
- [+] Entering a license through a file
Version 1.8.0
- [+] DICOM-printing
- [+] Enabling advanced visualization based on OpenCL
- [+] Rotation of slice planes on MPR
- [+] Function of removal of bone structures (for DualEnergy and DualScan studies)
- [+] Synchronous scrolling of series from different studies
- [+] Rotation of slices of orthogonal planes on MPR
- [+] Return of the original view after various kinds of transformations
- [+] Combining and fitting (fusion) images from different studies
- [+] Immediate sending of captured images to the server
- [+] Rotating images in the view plane
- [+] Switch between series in 2D view
- [+] Various settings for reconstructing series with differing spacing between slices
- [+] Exporting colors of nodes to a polygon model (for full-color 3D printing)
- [+] The expanded possibility of constructing a multitude of polygonal models for all available volumes of voxel reconstruction
- [+] Mirror viewes of images
- [+] The possibility of moving data of measured values is introduced
- [+] Enabling manual editing of research fields in local storage
- [+] Bone tissue removal in manual mode (experimental mode)
- [+] The ability to export multiple images with rotation into separate files
- [+] Interactive setting of sizes and layout of views on MPR
- [+] Implemented the ability to open the local storage by default when the program is started
- [+] Added an interactive calendar for selecting dates in the search bar
- [+] Added a tool for measuring Cobb's angles
- [+] Calibration of images obtained by perspective projection (X-ray)
- [+] Ability to record the cut edition of the viewer on CD / DVD with DICOM-data for viewing without installing the full edition.
- [+] 3D Marker in the form of a line
- [+] Hot keys for most actions and the possibility of changing them
- [+] Конвертирование и экспорт полигональной модели в DICOM-серию
- [+] Converting and exporting a polygon model into a DICOM-series
- [+] Manual adjustment of the quality of the 3D rendering
- [+] Advanced options for customizing color tables
- [*] Reducing resource consumption when building a polygon model
- [-] Fixed many minor and critical defects
Version 1.7.0
- [+] User's manual
- [+] New functions and modes of multiplanar (MPR) and curvilinear reconstruction (Curved MPR)
- [+] DSA mode, with the ability to manually and automatically shift the reference frame
- [+] Multiple choice of studies or series
- [+] Saving a list of studies in a folder with the ability to compress files
- [+] Secondary Capture in MPP, Curved MPR, and Spatial Reconstruction modes: 1) saving the image in the previously created series or in an image file, 2) creation a series of arbitrary slices with a given step
- [+] WL tool in spatial reconstruction mode
- [*] ADC mode for DWI MRI studies
- [+] Export / import settings
- [+] Tools for making of annotation
- [+] Measuring overlays for source images and MPR
- [+] Viewing DICOM tags
- [+] Tool for measuring density at a point
- [+] Output of ROI information is extended
- [+] Reconstruction of 3D multiframe data
- [+] Synchronization tool for one selected point
- [+] New WL filters
- [+] Display the number of pictures in study
- [+] The possibility of opening the study and the series automatically at the start of the program
- [+] Drag & drop of series on the window tab with images
- [*] Improved interactivity of research and series lists
- [*] Improved interactivity of the overlay mode (series with fitting can be removed from the series list)
- [*] Grouping the renderer filters
- [*] Enhancing view control: new settings for scrolling control, scaling of images relative to the mouse pointer, setting of activation of tools by default
- [–] Fixed many minor and critical defects
Version 1.6.0
- [+] First official release