16.8 Set Up Hotkeys Module

In this section, you can specify hotkeys to perform different actions. To set up hotkeys:

  1. Select the Options menu and the Settings... item.

  2. Open the Hotkeys section. The window similar to the one shown in Fig. 16.5 will pop up.

  3. Select the target action in the table. If necessary, enter action name or hotkey in the Filter field to filter the action list. The hotkeys specified for the selected action are displayed in the Key sequence column.

  4. To modify or set hotkeys:

    The entered value will be immediately displayed in the Key sequence column of the table.

  5. To delete hotkeys, erase the value in the Key sequence field.

  6. If the entered hotkeys are already used, a warning similar to the one shown in Fig. 16.6 will be displayed, and the value in the Key sequence column will be written in red. To see which action corresponds to this hotkeys, click Show. Do not set the same hotkeys for the actions performed in one window. If the entered value cannot be set, a warning similar to the one shown in Fig. 16.7 will be displayed.

  7. To restore the original value of the hotkeys for the selected action, click the RESET button.

  8. To restore the original values of the hotkeys for all actions, click the RESET ALL button.

  9. Click OK or APPLY to apply the changes or CANCEL to cancel the actions.

  10. In the restart confirmation window, click YES to restart or NO to cancel the restart and continue working.


Figure 16.5: Hotkeys


Figure 16.6: Warning about key sequence potential conflict


Figure 16.7: Warning about invalid key sequence

The types of hotkeys are described in the following table:

Hotkey type Designation
Single key: any key of the alphanumeric keyboard or a functional key Single key, e.g.: "A" or "F5"
Group of keys: two keys should be pressed simultaneously. The first key is Ctrl, Alt or Shift, the second one is any key of the alphanumeric keyboard or a functional key Two single keys coupled by "+", e.g.: "Ctrl+S" or "Shift+F5"
A sequence of several keys of the alphanumeric keyboard or functional keys: keys should be pressed one by one Single keys or groups of keys, separated by comma, e.g.: "A,B,C" or "Ctrl+F1,Ctrl+F2"