2.1 Open Series

Select a study from the study panel. There are five ways to open a series:

The series will open in a new tab.

There are three ways to open a series from the explorer window:

PIC ECG modality series (see Chapter  11) and series containing protocols (see Chapter  18) are opened in the respective tabs. PDF documents are opened in third-party software installed in the user’s OS. Series that do not conform to the DICOM standard or series for which there are no special tabs to view are opened in the DICOM tag viewer tab.

If nessesary, change the sorting order of images. To do it, right-click on the image to open context menu, select the Image sorting item, and then select one of the displaying modes:

The current order is marked with flag. The defaulf sorting order is defined by the Sort by parameter (see Section 16.7.1).

The series panel will be displayed on the left. To hide/show it select the main menu Image and the Quick series list item or move the cursor to the panel border so that it would look like this: PIC and drag the border holding the left mouse button. The series panel is shown in Fig. 2.1.


Figure 2.1: Series panel

The DICOM Viewer allows you to open multiple series at a time or the same series multiple times. All series are opened in separate windows of the same tab, and their position will depend on the settings described in Section 2.10.

To open the selected series in the Volume Reconstruction or Multiplanar Reconstruction window, click the Volume Reconstruction PIC or MPR Reconstruction PIC button on the toolbar respectively.