The tool allows you to set the center point. The model rotates and scales with respect to this point. This may be necessary if the model is altered with cutting tools. The tool has two modes: auto and intaractive (manual). To select mode, click on the arrow on the right side of the Center button on the toolbar and select the mode. The current mode is marked with a flag.
Centering is performed in space. Depth centering can be disabled. To enable/disable depth centering, click on the arrow on the right side of the Center button and select the Center depth item. If depth centering is enabled, the item is marked with a flag. Centering in a plane parallel to the screen plane is always performed.
To activate the tool, click on the Center button. If the auto mode is selected, activate the tool by clicking the left/right/middle mouse button. To continue work with this tool, use the button with which the tool was activated. To learn more about tool control, see Section 1.14. If the auto mode is selected, centering will be performed immediately after the tool is activated. If the interactive mode is selected, the cursor takes the form of a crosshair. Set the center point by clicking on it with the left mouse button.
To center the model without activating the tool, press Alt + middle mouse button. To do this, click the middle mouse button while holding the Alt key on the keyboard. When you click on a selected point, the visible model will be centered with respect to this point. When you click on the screen beyond the model, the model will be centered with respect to the center of the visible part.