Tooltips appear while hovering the cursor over a button or another interface element. It contains information about this item.
The tooltip for a button contains the following information:
button name;
hotkey (if specified);
a link to a page in the Help System (if specified);
a slideshow with a brief demonstration of the instrument capabilities or a view mode (if specified).
A slideshow appears 3 seconds after the appearance of the tooltip and is played back cyclically. After that, to close a tooltip, click a mouse button or rotate the mouse wheel. If there is a slideshow for this button, a countdown appears in the form of points in the lower right part of the tooltip. To display a slideshow, check the box Slideshow Tips during the installation of the DICOM Viewer.
The DICOM Viewer allows you to disable the display of hotkey, slideshow or completely disable the tooltips (see Section 16.1).