11.2 Open Series in ECG View window

Load studies to the DICOM Viewer and select the target study. There are five ways to open a series:

  1. Click the ECG Viewer PIC button on the toolbar. To select the tab location (in the current window, in a separate window or in the full screen mode), click on the arrow on the right side of the button. To open an ECG in a new tab in the current window, click on the button.

  2. Double-click the left mouse button on the study title on the study bar.

  3. Double-click the left mouse button on the series icon on the series panel.

  4. Drag the series icon to the study panel, holding the left mouse button.

  5. Right-click the mouse to call the context menu for the series icon and select one of the items in the ECG Viewer section. The ECG will open in a new tab in the current window (Fig. 11.1).


Figure 11.1: ECG view window