For Windows and Linux |
For macOS |
Effect |
Alt + Delete | fn + option + Backspace | Delete markers and measurements |
MW rotation | Scrolling | Switch from slice to slice |
Shift + LMB | Shift + LMB | Browse images (forward) |
Ctrl + LMB | Command + LMB | Browse images (back) |
move the cursor up/down holding LMB | move the cursor up/down holding LMB | Slide images forward/back |
move the cursor holding RMB | move the cursor holding RMB | Edit W/L |
Ctrl + MW rotation | Command+Scrolling | Zoom |
Shift + MMB | Drag the image | |
RMB | RMB | Call the context menu |
Ctrl + E | Command + E | Call the image export setup dialog |
[ — Switch to the previous image;
] — Switch to the next image;
H — mirror image horizontally;
V — mirror image vertically;
K — activate the tool Marker;
N — activate the tool Line marker;
I — activate the tool Rotate;
Z — activate the tool Image scaling;
M — activate the tool Image shift;
W — activate the tool Adjust W/L;
A — activate the tool Arrow tool;
T — activate the tool Text tool;
O — activate the tool Polygon tool;
E — activate the tool Ellipse tool;
R — activate the tool Ruler;
C — activate the tool Angle;
B — activate the tool Kobb angle;
P — activate the tool Point value;
L — activate the tool ROI rectangle;
Q — activate the tool ROI ellipse;
G — activate the tool ROI polygon;
Y — activate the tool DSA;
Shift+A — switch the projection to axial;
Shift+C — switch the projection to coronal;
Shift+S — switch the projection to sagittal;
F5 — export the image with the latest settings.